Influenza Activity High in Kansas
The Centers for Disease Control has announced widespread influenza in Kansas and surrounding states.
Flu symptoms include coughing or a sore throat, high fever and body aches. Health care providers encourage people to stay home from work and school if they think they are sick.
Kansas Dept of Health and Environment is encouraging everyone to get a flu vaccine. It is not too late to be vaccinated – flu vaccines are available at all Girard Medical Center clinic locations.
As a precaution for employees as well as patients, Girard Medical Center mandated flu vaccines for its employees this year. Businesses are encouraged to ask their employees to be vaccinated and to allow employees to stay home and avoid contact with others if they have any flu-like illness.
To avoid getting the flu and spreading it to others, get vaccinated, always use good hand hygiene, and cover your cough. Stay home if you have flu-like symtoms!